The Hussars’ Reunion – Salisbury
Saturday 5th April 2025
The next Hussars’ Reunion will be held at Qudos – Bar Restaurant, 38 Castle Street, Salisbury, SP1 1BN, on Saturday 5th April 2025, from 12:00 hrs onwards. Dress is casual. This reunion is for all Hussars, serving and retired, including our antecedent regiments; all old comrades are encouraged to attend.
- Organised by Richie Mogg
- From 12:00 hrs onwards, turn up when you want.
- A buffet will be provided at around 15:00hrs. When it’s gone, it’s gone!
- Rooms are available at Qudos. Book direct with the venue by calling 01722 413755. Let them know you are attending the Hussars reunion.
- No need to submit a booking form, but please let Richie Mogg know if you are attending by visiting the Salisbury Hussars Reunion Facebook page or by email via HHQ at
Salisbury now has a Premier Inn but it is located on the Southern edge of the city on the A36 as you enter the outskirts from the South. There are several good B&Bs and hotels near to Qudos such as:
St Anne’s House 01722 335657.
Victoria Lodge, 61 Castle Rd 01722 320586.
City Lodge 01722 326600.
Cathedral Hotel 01722 343700.
If anyone is struggling to get accommodation please contact Richie Mogg on FB or my telephone number/email address is available from HHQ.
Richie Mogg