The Officers’ and Partners’ Dinner

Saturday 11th May 2024

A Dinner will be held during Cavalry Memorial Weekend at the Cavalry and Guards Club on Saturday 11 May 2024for the Officers and their partners of The King’s Royal Hussars and all antecedent Regiments; 7.15 pm for 7.45 pm. The dress is Black Tie, no medals. Drinks will be served on the ground floor, and we will dine in the Field Marshalls’ Room.

The cost of the three-course dinner, which includes pre-dinner Club fizz, wine, port and coffee, will be £85 per person.

Please complete the attached proforma in as much detail as possible. This will help us to ensure you sit with your friends and contemporaries. Better still, as proven at previous Partners’ Dinners, please consider gathering a table together of 10-12 friends.

You will receive an email confirmation of your booking once your payment has been received.If you are a member of an organisedtable,pleasedonot assume you are booked in until we have received your individualbooking and cheque or BACS transfer. No refunds will be made for cancellations afterWednesday8May.

To aid planning, please book and pay as soon as you can, and no later than Wednesday 1 May 2024.

You can pay by Cheque or BACS:

Pay by Cheque. Print off the attached proforma from above, and send it with your cheque for £85 pp to HHQ.

Cheques are to be made payable to ‘The King’s Royal Hussars Dinner Fund

Pay by Bank Transfer (BACS). Complete the form below and submit to HHQ.  The account details for your bank transfer are:

Account Name: The King’s Royal Hussars Dinner Fund

Sort Code: 30-11-75

Account Number: 00414443

Reference: Please put your name and initial first; you can add “Offrs Dinner” after this if you wish (sometimes transfer references are limited in characters.

Please let the Regimental Secretary ( or the Administrative Officer ( know that you have made the transfer.

Officers' and Partners' Dinner Form

Service Regiment

3 + 11 =