Do You Need Help?
If you, or someone that you know, is in need of help from the association, or financial help from one of the Regimental BenevolenceFunds, please call Home HQ during normal working hours for advice.
You can also contact your local SSAFA or Royal British Legion office who will help you and submit any case arising to Home HQ.
Emergency help should be sought from your local authority, Accident & Emergency, or Samaritans (Tel: 116 123).
0808 1914 218
Veteransʼ Gateway is the first point ofcontact for veterans seeking supportand to connect with organisationsbest placed to help, from healthcareand housing to employability,finances, personal relationships andmore.
0800 731 4880
Welfare, help and support forboth serving and retiredmembers of the forces and theirfamilies. organisations/veterans-uk
0808 191 4218
Veterans UK is the MOD’s websiteand helpline, providing assistanceon many issues, including injuryand compensation, pensions,housing and welfare, service
0808 802 8080
Welfare, help and support for both
serving and retired members of the
forces and their families.
0800 138 1619
If youʼre currently serving or haveserved in the UK Armed Forces,you can call our 24-hour mentalhealth helpline. If youʼre a familymember or carer worried aboutthe mental health of a loved one,or need to talk to someoneyourself, you can call the helplinetoo.
24hr help line.
01962 828520
Many more agencies andcharities exist to help.For advice call HomeHeadquarters, The King’s RoyalHussars.