The King’s Royal Hussars Regimental Association

Members Area

Welcome to your Regimental Association members’ page. From here you have exclusive access to a growing range of member benefits, such as:

    • View and update your personal information,
    • Book Association and Regimental events online,
    • Look for the latest ‘member offers’.

The association exists to benefit and support all serving and former members of the King’s Royal Hussars, or any of its antecedent regiments. It’s a lifetime membership and it’s free, however you must physically join the Association so that we may keep your contact details on our database.

The Association community is growing and we hope that this page enables you to engage as much or as little as you wish.  If there is something that you are interested in seeing here that is not currently covered, then please get in touch and let us know.  Email HHQ:

If you already have a Regimental Association membership:

If you have not yet signed-up to the Regimental Association: