A message from Lt Col Andrew Harman, Chairman of the Regimental Association,
dated 3 December 2024.
80th Anniversary of the Battle of MEDICINA 16 April 2025
Introduction. The Regimental Association’s plans to attend the 80th anniversary celebrations of the Battle of Medicina on 16th April 2025 are now well advanced. As the 80th anniversary falls on a Wednesday we intend to fly out on Monday 14th April spend three nights in Ravenna, returning on Thursday 17th April. We have selected Thursday as the following day is Good Friday when we expect flights to be more expensive.
Price.Price per person is dependent on numbers attending and room occupancy. The estimated prices are set out below and are subsidised by the Regimental Association and are based on 50 people attending. They include:
- Coach transport.
- From and to Bologna airport,
- Cemetery visits (14/20H & 10H) and travel to and from Medicina on Wednesday.
- Accommodation. Three nights Bed and breakfast accommodation at Hotel Centrale Byron or NH Ravenna Hotel.
- Meals.
- Group evening meal on Monday, Association will subsidise by approx £800.
- Drinks reception on Tuesday evening, 6GR invited.
- Estimated price for the above is:
- £330 per couple occupying a twin room for three nights.
- £300 single occupancy room for three nights.
Deposit. We have to secure the accommodation by 31 Jan 25, therefore you are asked to confirm your attendance with a deposit of £100 per person (to the Association account below) and enter your flight details on the page here…. Flight Details.
Once the confirmed costs are known you will be informed of the balance per person, which will need to be paid at least 8 weeks prior to departure.
- By BACS to KRH Regimental Association: Sort Code 16-20-16: Account No. 11633926. Put your surname and Medicina as the reference.
- By cheque made payable to KRH Regimental Association.
Accommodation. We have decided to stay at Ravenna as it provides more hotel options, is more attractive and is only a short distance from Medicina. We have reserved rooms in Hotel Centrale Byron and the NH Ravenna Hotel. Both of which are comfortable and close to the town centre.
Flights. We investigated organising group flights but have found they charge more than purchasing them on an individual basis. So, we would ask you all to book your own flights to Bologna. Flights currently advertised from Manchester and London Heathrow are listed at Annex A below. Luckily their times are very similar.
Transport.We have arranged a bus to leave Bologna for Ravenna between 1330 and 1400. Please try to book a flight to meet this time. If this is not achievable, we will either arrange another or you can catch the train, a service runs between Bologna airport and Ravenna. Again, train details are at Annex A (link below).
Itinerary.A reasonably detailed itinerary is at Annex A which you may wish to follow but of course you are under no obligation to if you would like to do something else.
Medicina Day. Transport will depart for Medicina in the morning. We will visit the sites of most of the significant actions in Medicina and cemeteries with 10H and 14/20H graves. At this stage it is expected we will be welcomed to attend the Town’s annual celebrations. We imagine they will commence after the working day at approximately 1800.
Serving Regimental Attendance. It is expected the Regiment and 2RGR will send contingents to take part in the celebrations.
Questions. I hope the above is self-explanatory but if you do have any questions, please email me at
Lt Col Andrew Harman
A copy of this letter and annex, with itinerary and travel options, can be downloaded in pdf format here.