The Officers’ Dinner

Tuesday 11th November 2025

The King’s Royal Hussars Officers’ Dinner will be held at the Cavalry and Guards Club on Tuesday11 November 2025; 7.15 pm for7:45 pm. Dinner Jacket, no medals.Reception drinks will be in the *************Room. The cost of the three course dinner, which includes wine, port and coffee, is £TBC per person.
To book and pay on-line, please follow the link below. If you wish to pay by cheque or BACs, follow the Manual Form link.  Bookings should be made by Mon 28 October at the latest.
Your booking will be acknowledged by email; no tickets will be issued. If you are a member of an organised table do not assume you are booked in until we have received your individual proforma and payment. No refunds will be made for cancellations after Thursday 6 November.
We look forward to seeing you. Please sign the Dinner Book when you arrive at the Club.