Central South OCA Reunion

Sunday 13th October 2024

1.  The Central Southern Reunion will be held on Sunday 13th October, once again at The Mercure “White Hart Hotel”, St John Street, Salisbury, SP1 2SD.  If you wish to attend please download and complete the attached booking form.

2.  The timings for lunch are to arrive from 1230 for 1300.  A free glass of wine or soft drink will be available in the Lounge/Bar area.  There is a small free Car Park at the rear of the Hotel. Paying Public Car Parks are also available in the area. Details of these can be found on the Internet.

3.  The cost of the lunch including a complimentary drink on arrival is £23. Please make cheques payable to The King’s Royal Hussars OCA and send them with your reply to Lt Col Richard East MBE JP, at the address on the booking form.  If paying by BACS the details are:

Lloyds Bank:   King’s Royal Hussars Old Comrades Association
Account:           00529748
Sort Code:       30-97-41     Please include your name with the payment.

4. Tickets will not be issued but receipt of payment will be acknowledged by e-mail or telephone.

The closing date for applications is Saturday 21st September.

5.  If you would like to make up a party, please list all those you would like to have at your table on the Booking Form and let them know as well. Tables are normally for 8 or 10 people.


Duch and Orange pate, croutons, apple & cider chutney


Tomato & Mozzarella salad with basil pesto (V)


Roast Sirloin of Beef with Yorkshire Pudding


Rosted Vegetable Strudel, rich tomato sauce (V)


Lemon cheesecake with berry compote


Coffee and Chocolates

I do hope you will be able to join us.       Richard