North East Reunion – Newcastle

19 July 2025, from 14:00 hrs.

The Mile Castle, 19-25 Westgate Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 5XU.


Venue.  The Mile Castle has recently had a major refurbishment, and has the added benefit of being close to the Central Station. There is a Weatherspoon Hotel next door offering accommodation at very reasonable rates for a city centre hotel, so no excuses!!

The Reunion. Please do come along and enjoy the afternoon and evening in a relaxed atmosphere, where you can catch-up with old friends and make new connections. Wives/husbands and partners are very welcome to attend, and the dress code is relaxed.  Last year’s event was well attended, but I think this could be even better.

Contact. My thanks to Paul Hindmoor for his help with this event.  To help us with planning, could you please let either Paul or myself know if you will be attending? We look forward to hearing from you.

Email Andy Bevis:

Best wishes,

Andy Bevis

September 2025

Coming to a venue near you in the Catterick, Richmond, Leyburn Area

Date and venue to be confirmed.

Once again I am planning to arrange another event around this area and will be looking for suitable venues over the next couple of months, so watch this space.  If you have any good recommendations, please let me know.

Without your support there will be no Regimental Association