Gloucestershire Branch Reunion
Sunday 23th March 2025
All reunions will now be two weeks later than in previous years to avoid the issues and costs of accommodation around the week of the Cheltenham Festival.
2025’s Reunion will again be a Fork Luncheonat The Victory Club, Burlington House, Lypiatt Road,CHELTENHAM, GL50 2SY.Please inform me if a vegetarian option is required. Parking is available in the front Courtyard, as well as the in the Courtyard of the house next door. A map showing the location of The Victory Club is attached. We are hopeful that an officer from KRH will join us to update us on all that the Regiment has been doing.
The cost of the Luncheon is £20, a significant decrease from 2024. We shall gather in The Victory Club Ballroom, with the Bar open from 1215 hours. Disabled facilities are available. If you are unable to attend, you may salve your conscience by offering a small contribution towards defraying some of the costs of the overheads. Please make your cheques payable to Colonel A R E Singer. Tickets will not be issued.
I much look forward to seeing you at The Victory Club on Sunday 23th March 2025. Please do encourage other Old Comrades to attend.
Please complete and return the booking form at the link here……….
Yours faithfully,