Contact List

SurnameNameEmail AddressTelephone Number
PresidentBrig Nick 828540
ChairmanLt Col Andrew Harmanandrewharman1420@gmail.com01962 828520
Regimental SecretaryMaj Stephen 828540
Assistant Regimental SecretaryLt Col Gary 828520
CCOCA RepresentativeMr Bruce Whittit
CCOCA RepresentativeMr Kevin Marchant
CCOCA RepresentativeMr Peter Clarke
Cenotaph Parade LondonLt Col Gary Wills
Area/Reunion RepresentativesWe hope to be able to ask for volunteers to assist with this task.
ScotlandMr John Greenwell
North West and N WalesLt Col Gary Wills
North EastMr Andrew Bevis
Midlands and East EnglandVacant please apply to HHQ
Gloucestershire and South WalesCol Tony Singer OBE
London and South East EnglandVacant please apply to HHQ
Central South EnglandLt Col Richard East MBE
South West EnglandVacant please apply to HHQ
Hussars Reunion - SalisburyMr Richard Mogg