Regimental Collect of The King’s Royal Hussars

“O Almighty God, by whose power and in whose mercy we are shielded from danger and pardoned when we have done wrong, help us all, as members of The King’s Royal Hussars, to find in our service in the Regiment a sure way of serving Thee: help us to dedicate our lives that we may live for others rather than for ourselves; and grant that through the power of Thy Holy Spirit we may be steadfast in duty, patient in hardship, and bold at all times to declare the truth in the name of Him who loves us and died for us, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

Regimental Collects of Our Antecedent Regiments

The Royal Hussars (PWO)

“O Eternal God, who art full of mercy and truth, look upon us Thy servants, The Royal Hussars, and grant that supported by the power of Thy Love, and united in The Holy Trinity, we may loyally serve Thee, and remembering those who have gone before us, we may be found worthy of our calling, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

The 14th/20th King’s Hussars

“Almighty God, by whose power and in whose mercy we are shielded from danger and pardoned when we have done wrong, help us all, as members of the 14th/20th King’s Hussars, to find in our service in the regiment a sure way of serving thee, help us to dedicate our lives in that we may live for others rather than ourselves, and grant that through the power of the Holy Spirit we may be steadfast in duty, patient in hardship, and bold at all times to declare the truth in the name of him who loves us and died for us, Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen.”

The 10th Royal Hussars (PWO)

“O Eternal God, whose perfect love casteth out fear, grant that we of the Tenth Royal Hussars may be swift to hear Thy call and strong to obey Thy will, so that inspired by the example of Thy son and by the valour of those who have gone before us, we may endure hardships as Thy good and faithful soldiers, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen”

The 11th Hussars (PAO)

“O Lord God, who art plenteous in mercy and truth, look mercifully on Thy servants, the 11th Hussars, that, following Thy beloved Son, we may be found faithful and true to Thee, Who art faithful and just to forgive our sins, for His sake by whose precious blood we are cleansed, the same Thy Son Jesus Christ our Saviour.    Amen.”