The Prussian Eagle

The Prussian Eagle (also known as the Hawk), with the letters FR emblazoned on its breast, is the cap badge of The King’s Royal Hussars.  It is the insignia of the Royal House of Prussia and was awarded to the 14th Light Dragoons in 1798 by the Crown Princess Frederica of Prussia.  The award was a mark of Royal favour, after the 14th had escorted her from Dover to London prior to her marriage to the Duke of York.  The Regiment also adopted at this time the title 14th or Duchess of York’s Own Regiment of Light Dragoons, and changed its facings from lemon yellow to Brandenburgh Orange, the livery colour of the Royal House of Prussia.

The Prince of Wales’ Feathers

The Prince of Wales’ Feathers are worn by all ranks in the Regiment as collar badges for both Number 1 (Blue Patrols) and Number 2 (Service) Dress.  The Ostrich Feathers are the arms of the blind King of Bohemia, and were adopted by the Black Prince, the first Prince of Wales, after the Battle of Crecy in 1346.  The Feathers became the badge of 10th Light Dragoons in 1783 after the appointment of the Prince of Wales, later George IV, as their Colonel.