About the Association
The King’s Royal Hussars Association was formed in 1992 to benefit all serving members and former members of the King’s Royal Hussars (KRH), or any of its antecedent regiments.It is a lifetime membership and it is free, however you must physically join the Association so that we can keep your contact details on our database.
Maintaining Contact
To maintain contact between pastand present members of theRegiment, fostering mutualfriendship between them andproviding for events and social
gatherings for them and to keepalive the spirit of comradeship andpride in the Regiment.
Supporting Families
Support the families of those killed in action by promptly responding to problems of bereavement and hardship, and the families of those seriously wounded or injured in prolonged recovery situations.
Supporting Those Injured
Support those wounded orinjured on operations,particularly those who have hadto leave the Army; to assist infinding them new employmentand to help them become activefamily and community members.
Welfare Support
Enhance the welfare supportprovided to soldiers onoperations and that of theirfamilies at home.
The Association has numerous Area Representatives who cover the following: Scotland, the North West, North East, East Anglia, Central Southern and the South West of England. These volunteers organise gatherings and functions so that members can meet socially and renew their acquaintance with each other, make new friends and support the KRH.
Join The Association
Do You Need Help?
If you, or someone that you know, is in need of help from the association or one of the many other organisations available, or financial help from one of the Regimental BenevolenceFunds, please call Home HQ during normal working hours for advice. For more information, follow this link.
Join The Association
All the names of those who have died in the Service of their Regiment and Country since 1 January 1948.
We extend our deepest sympathy to relatives and friends of former members of the Association who have died.
All those who have been recognised with the Regimental Rosette.